Farm Life Food Local Organic

Late September Light

Mother Nature always has the last word, it seems.
After having made us miserable all summer with an overabundance of rain and generally dreary weather, she seems suddenly to have taken pity on us, gratifying us with an unending spate of sky-blue, sun-filled days, lifting the spirits of your farmer and the rest of the team while our workboots finally begin to dry out.

All good, but for the plants still in our fields, it’s a classic case of too little, too late.
While two or three leafy greens may benefit from the sudden surge of heat, for all the rest – having endured diluvian rains in July and August, inescapable humidity and an absolute dearth of sunlight at the peak of the summer – this is more than a bad joke, it’s downright sadistic. They just want to call it quits. Our solanaceas are breathing their last breath and our brassicaceas are hanging on to their last leaves – while almost everything else has already been harvested and stored away for final delivery.

This week’s basket follows on last week’s.
It will include something old (spaghetti squash – which we’ve been harvesting in record quantities due to a crop planning error, it seems) and something new (another yet-to-be-determined squash), along with sweet peppersrutabaga or turnips, some leafy greens, fine herbs and more.

We look forward to seeing you all again.