Heat Wave

It’s been more than two weeks since our last post, but many things had to get done to launch our field production…After a chilly start which may have cost us a few cauliflowers, we are now experiencing an early heat wave, and watering freshly planted vegetables and fragile root systems has been an absolute priority.…

An Old-Fashioned Greenhouse

We could have planned it better, but the need for a greenhouse of our own has become pressing, so we decided to build one in our “spare” time. Ideally, it would have been best to wait until the end of the summer when everything is planted and we only have a few weeks of basket…

Field Work

You may be wondering what farmers do in April when they’re not in the greenhouse. While they may be doing seasonal maintenance on farm equipment in preparation for the summer, more likely they are starting work in their fields, provided said fields are dry enough for a tractor or a rotary tiller. Proper soil preparation…

Animal Farm

We finally succumbed to the subtle pressure of friends and family for whom a farm without farm dogs is not a farm. Allow us therefore to introduce you to Maggy, a two-year-old black Labrador retriever, and her five pups, now four weeks old.  We would have liked to know the father, but what matters most…

Straw or No Straw?

Weed control is an obsession for the organic farmer who is constantly seeking to minimize the time spent weeding (a thankless chore, according to most). Take fall garlic, for instance. Planted in October, it spends winter in a dormant state, but is quick to sprout as soon as spring temperatures beckon. Unfortunately, it does not…

Chicken Run

As March ends, it is time for us to order our laying hens to ensure they arrive towards the middle of May. Hen selection seems easy enough, but it’s more complicated than it appears. Unlike broilers that arrive as one- or two-day old chicks, layers come aged 18 to 19 weeks. They usually start to…

A New Old Barn

Preparations for the 2010 season are in full swing. We are busy completing our warehouse, the cold storage area and our chicken coop. The warehouse is an old barn which we have converted into an all-purpose building, re-cycling old barn planks from the self-same barn to create a cold storage area, a vegetable work area,…

More Than Just Vegetables

While our main focus at Arlington Gardens is organic farming of vegetables for our CSA baskets (or ‘shares’), we would be remiss if we did not draw your attention to our organic fruit plantation plans. Unlike vegetables, which are, for the most part, sown and harvested yearly, berry crops take a bit more time to…

Walden Pond It Ain’t

But our pond is nevertheless the sine qua non of our organic farming activities. Plainly put – no water, no veggies.  Last summer we had more rain than we wished for, but as Mother Nature offers no guarantees – who’s to say that this summer won’t be a dry one? Fortunately, our pond is an…