Farm Life Local Vegetables and Berries

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This week is off to a great start with a cool sun and a nice drying wind. The wind is the farmer’s best ally at this time of year. It has a cleansing effect, scattering dead leaves to the four corners of the farm, then gathering them up into heaps where they’ll compost naturally. Indeed, the weather has been perfect for a long overdue blueberry patch clean-up. First comes weeding, followed by the spreading of sawdust which increases soil acidity, and hopefully nips most of next year’s weeds in the bud. Weather permitting, we hope to finish by the end of the week.

Travaux bleuets - Blueberry Chores_S

This week also marks the return of the carrot, accompanied by the white Hakurei turnip. While you are undoubtedly familiar with the former, you may not be so well-acquainted with the latter. Usually smaller than its purple-top cousin, the Hakurei turnip is a sweeter varietal, one we can even recommend you try raw. To help you make use of all the winter squash you’re finding in your baskets these days, click here. In closing — and to prove that organic can sometimes rhyme with comic — we thought you would appreciate the opening pic above from our good friend (and great cook) Danielle.

Graminées au champ - Fieldgrass_S

Oiseaux - Birds_S