Farm Life Local Vegetables and Berries

Under Sunny Skies

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The gods were with us: Sunday’s méchoui went off without a hitch, with gloriously sunny fall weather to boot. Many of you made it out to the farm and once again, we were astounded by the variety of side dishes that complemented the grilled lamb and pork, each and every one more delicious than the next…and the equally impressive array of desserts which followed. Our thanks to all who participated — and a standing invitation to everyone to join us for a repeat in 2015!

You’ll find beets in this week’s basket…and we can’t help but mention the airing, on September 2nd, of the brief documentary we participated in for V télé‘s weekly foodie show, Par-dessus le marché, a few weeks ago. It’s all about beets – and the musical inspiration they provided the show’s producers. It was fun: click here to watch it.

Meanwhile, September has arrived, and so have our fall vegetables. Our spaghetti squash is back for a second week, while leeks and yellow onions are making their first appearance. As fall veggies edge out summer ones, hangers-on include zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants and … tomatoes – although this week will probably see the last of our bumper summer tomato crop.