Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Cloudy Skies

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Fleurs de pommiers blancs_S

It’s been a yo-yo start to the season so far. Just when it seems the sun is here to stay, a sou’wester blows rainclouds our way. Last Friday’s torrential downpour drenched the fields and meant we had to postpone a day’s work of raising beds and laying plastic for our corn crop and our solanaceas. And so it goes this spring – we haven’t had five consecutive days of sunshine yet.

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We’ll stop complaining, though, as we don’t want to jinx what’s left of an ok start to the season : as planting somehow continues apace and everything seems to be growing according to plan. The work team expanded today, as our CEGEP students joined the fray, looking to earn their summer’s wages while they enjoy the great outdoors. They’ll be with us for a little over two months — planting, hoeing, weeding, harvesting and even texting (!) in the field. We’re glad they’ve finally arrived.

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