FARMSTAND SEASON 19 baskets @ $742.70 || Wk of June 28 to wk of Nov 1 || $38/basket+RFF fees ($18+tax=$20.70) ||
FARMSTAND SEASON 19 baskets @ $552.70 || Wk of June 28 to wk of Nov 1 || $28/basket+RFF fees ($18+tax=$20.70) ||
During farmstand season, pick your basket up before the weekend begins, Fridays 9 to 5
If you prefer to get your errands done early in the weekend, pick your basket up on Saturdays from 9 to 5
Close out your weekend by picking up your basket on Sundays between 9 and 5
... to receive more information from the Réseau des fermiers de famille (RFF) about its projects in general || At any time, you may unsubscribe from the RFF list. You may reach the RFF at, 1401 Legendre Street West, suite 307, Montréal (Québec) H4N 2R9, 514-543-1103 receive more information from the Réseau des fermiers de famille (RFF)
... to receive more information from Équiterre about its projects in general || You will be able to unsubscribe from the Équiterre list at any time. You may reach Équiterre at, 50, Sainte-Catherine Street West, Suite 340, Montréal (Québec) H2X 3V4, 514-522-2000 receive more information from Équiterre
I prefer to pay in full NOW -- via online banking with BMO, RBC or Caisse Desjardins; by interac e-transfer; or by cheque
I prefer to pay in 3 equal installments -- 1st payment NOW; 2nd by MAY 1st; 3rd by JUNE 1st