Dead and Dying Bugs

We cannot change things unless we name them, understand them, confront them. Nonetheless, the news is disheartening, to say the least : unless we radically alter course, by the end of the century, there won’t be any insects left to pollinate any thing. For greater clarity, we’re talking about 40% of insects that will not survive current…

Rite of Spring

Spring is finally in the air, complete with rising temperatures and thawing soil. The fields are waterlogged and we’ve begun to spot the occasional intrepid cyclist, all telltale signs of the impending change of season. But none of that really matters, as we focus our undivided attention on the season’s prep: the greenhouse has been…

In like a lion…

Confounding March…The last days’ rainfall has erased all traces of snow remaining in the fields. Everything is laid bare, exposed to nature’s vagaries and the bitter cold which continues, despite a fast-approaching spring (on our calendar page, if nowhere else). Temperatures dropped below -20⁰C last weekend and the forecast is for more of the same…

Season Launch

It’s official: the 2017 season at Arlington Gardens is under way. Visit our sign-up page to register for your 2017 CSA basket. We’ve been working on the new season for several weeks, now. For starters, we will be offering a regular season of 20 baskets and an extended season of 23 baskets. For those of…

Red, White and Blue – Barns, Snow and Skies

Everything has been stored away – tractors, farm implements, geotextile tarps. What really needs protecting from winter’s rigours has found a spot in a barn or a greenhouse. Otherwise, it will have to weather winter, as we do not yet have enough space for all the farm equipment we have accumulated over the years. While…

Sunny Skies

The change has been brutal: from a cold and blustery start to spring, we’ve suddenly shifted to talavera blue skies and sun-baked days worthy of an all-inclusive trip to Punta Cana. We’re not complaining – sunshine is what we need, but it feels like we’ve had to turn on a dime, racing against the clock…

Clear Water & Butterflies

They came, they planted, they left. By some amazing organisational miracle, we were lucky enough to have an entire Secondary 2 science class from nearby Massey Vanier high school (Cowansville), accompanied by their teachers and a few outstanding project coordinators, come plant 400 shrubs in a couple of hours; their good humour and energy proved…