Summer Here, Summer There

“What is the difference between a québécois summer and an Algerian one?” you may ask.These days, nothing really, except perhaps a few degrees and a humidex measurement. Your vegetable farmer has gone AWOL for a short spell, just long enough for a quick visit to the Numidian country from which he hails to take care of some administrative matters and to…

Dead and Dying Bugs

We cannot change things unless we name them, understand them, confront them. Nonetheless, the news is disheartening, to say the least : unless we radically alter course, by the end of the century, there won’t be any insects left to pollinate any thing. For greater clarity, we’re talking about 40% of insects that will not survive current…

Broccoli Bad Press

Here we go again. Broccoli is getting a bum rap, and American consumers are going to pay. Reacting to the current debate on President Obama’s health care bill (‘Obamacare’), certain politicians and Supreme Court justices are turning broccoli into an ideological scapegoat. “The government can’t force us to eat broccoli,” they’ve said in rebuttal to…

Future Generations

We don’t want to be alarmist, but the conclusions of a recent study from France on daily levels of food contaminants are worrisome, to say the least. The study was undertaken by the French environmental non-profit organization Générations Futures ( to assess the nature and quantities of chemicals ingested by children in a single day.…