That said, you will find details of our 2024 offering below…
which will give you an idea of years past.
But past is not always prologue, and we are working on some changes,
so please stay tuned for our updated offer.

In addition the classic CSA baskets we’ve offered every season since 2010,
note also our ongoing Market ‘Loyalty’ Card optionwhich we introduced
at Atwater & Jean-Talon Markets in 2021 –  
as well as the organic sourdough bread baskets of Capitaine Levain
delivered along with neighbourhood and farm CSA baskets Wednesday through Friday.



Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.



SELECT LOCATION & 'MODE' – 'CSA Basket' | 'Market Loyalty Card'

.        Montreal West       


Montreal West Town Hall
Neigbourhood Baskets
June 12 to November 6
‘Regular Season’ – 22 wks

.         Westmount       


Westmount Park (near the Library)
Neighbourhood Baskets
June 13 to November 7
‘Regular Season’ – 22 wks.

..       Atwater Market     

, Saturdays or Sundays
Atwater Market (Stalls 99-100)
Farmstand Baskets
July 5-6-7 to Nov 8-9-10
‘Farmstand Season’ – 19 wks + Optional 3-wk ‘Pre-Season’

.       Atwater Market     

, Saturdays and Sundays
Atwater Market (Stalls 99-100)
Market Loyalty Card
Market Season, July 5 to mid-November
Farmstand Basket equivalent initial $ value
on a reloadable, pre-paid card
Valid for the 2024 market season
End-of-season unused balance carries over to 2025

.     Town of Mount-Royal   


Montgomery Park
Neighbourhood Baskets
June 12 to November 6
‘Regular Season’ – 22 wks

.        At the Farm       

Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays

Arlington Gardens in Stanbridge East
Farm Baskets
June 12-13-14 to November 6-7-8
From 3pm
‘Regular Season’ – 22 wks

.     Jean-Talon Market   

, Saturdays or Sundays
Jean-Talon Market (Stalls196-200)
Farmstand Baskets
July 5-6-7 to Nov 8-9-10
‘Farmstand Season’ – 19 wks + Optional 3-wk ‘Pre-Season’

.     Jean-Talon Market   

, Saturdays and Sundays
Jean-Talon Market (Stalls196-200)
Market Loyalty Card
Market Season, July 5 to mid-November
Farmstand Basket-equivalent initial $ value
on a reloadable, pre-paid card
Valid for the 2024 market season
End-of-season unused balance carries over to 2025

ORGANIC BREAD BASKETS – Sign up with 'Capitaine Levain'

For the 10th year running, we are continuing our partnership with the bakers at Capitaine Levain, Ghislain and Céline. Their organic sourdough bread baskets are only available to CSA basket members at our Wednesday-Thursday neighbourhood drop-off locations and at the farm, Wednesday through Friday. Unfortunately, our market schedule makes it impossible for us/them to accommodate bread deliveries for market customers; moreover, Ghislain and Céline do less baking on weekends.

Capitaine Levain offer 2 types of seasonal bread baskets (‘surprise’ (let the baker surprise you!) and ‘au choix’ (you decide what you want from beginning to end of the season)) which we deliver along with your vegetable baskets.

Sign up for Capitaine Levain bread baskets through their ‘Arlington Gardens’ online forms  — click here for their panier surprise and their panier au choix. For those of you still on the fence, this year they are once again offering a one-week trial: choose what you like, pay à la carte, and then decide whether or not you want to sign up for a full season. You may start your subscription with them at any time, they will adjust it to match the number of weeks remaining in the season.

Their bakery favours a return to traditional breadmaking. Their products are handmade, from the kneading of dough to the shaping of loaves, and are the product of fermentation and slow baking, yielding better, more flavourful bread with caramelized, crisp crust. Their rustic breads are made with mostly local, and 100% organic, ingredients and are, obviously, 100% sourdough (levain).

OUR OFFER – CSA Baskets & Prepaid Cards

This year we continue to offer 2 basic CSA organic basket options across 6 drop-off locations

‘Regular Season’ Neighbourhood Baskets
Large & Small
A 22-week programme from early June to early November

Atwater & Jean-Talon ‘Farmstand Season’ Baskets
Large & Small
A shorter 19-week programme to coincide with our farmstand season,
from June 30 through early November with a 3-week ‘Pre-Season’ option to pick up
your basket at one of our neigbourhood locations

We are looking to expand our offer of ‘Farmstand’ Season Basket-
equivalent prepaid cards
which we introduced at Atwater & Jean-Talon in 2021

Atwater & Jean-Talon ‘Market Loyalty’ Card
Grand Marché Petit Marché 
You buy what*, when* & where* you want
Valid for the 2024 season, any unused balance will be carried over to 2025
*Subject to produce availability at each farmstand


2024 will be our 15th season growing organic food for our customers and providing CSA baskets to our members. Our baskets are delivered at different drop-off locations in Montreal and at the farm. In addition to our neighbourhood basket drop-off locations, you may also register for our CSA baskets  at Atwater and Jean-Talon markets, where we operate seasonal farmstands from July through early November.


CSA BASKETS 1 LARGE *: $43 SMALL **: $32
Regular Season, 22 wks $946 $704
Farmstand Season, 19 wks $817 $608
PREPAID CARD 1 ‘Grand Marché’ ‘Petit Marché’
Market Loyalty
RFF Fees 2
TOTAL 3    
‘Regular Season’ Basket $974 $732
‘Farmstand Season’ Basket $845 $636
‘Market Loyalty’ Card $845 $636

*   LARGE: for 3+ people
** SMALL: for 1 – 2 person(s)

1  There are 2 basic CSA basket options for the 2024 season, once again complemented by our prepaid card option


The Regular – our classic neighbourhood basket formula – 22 weekly baskets from the week of June 10 to the week of November 4 available in Montreal West, Town of Mount-Royal and Westmount, as well as at the Farm

The Farmstand – a shorter offering to match our farmstand season19 weeks, at our Atwater & Jean-Talon market locations, from July 5 through November 10 with a 3-week ‘Pre-Season’ option to pick up at one of our neigbourhood locations before our farmstands open


The Market Loyalty Card The Farmstand-equivalent, reloadable, prepaid card that allows to be used for purchases at our Atwater & Jean-Talon market locations, Friday through Sunday; the card is valid for the 2024 season, any unused balance will be carried over to 2025

2 For development and awareness-raising activities – fees which we remit to the Réseau des fermiers de famille (RFF), a non-profit organisation founded by Équiterre more than 20 years ago which is now part of the Coopérative pour une agriculture de proximité et écologique (CAPÉ), an organic farmers’ coop of which we are a member.

3 Payable in a single amount or in 3 equal installments (we do the math for you – please double-check your order confirmation before sending us your payment(s))

Online Farm Store

The basket and loyalty card sign-up process is via our online ordering system. Once the season begins, you will also be invited to place orders for specialty produce (like garlic and tomatoes) in greater quantities through our online store, subject to availability.


Once you sign up online for a CSA basket or a prepaid card, we provide 3 payment options via Online Banking, by Interac e-Transfer or by cheque1. We encourage you to pay using Online Banking or Interac e-Transferalthough you may still pay us by cheque if you prefer. In either case, you may pay in full or in three installments2.  
Later in the season, we will take farm store orders for veggie extras online,  with PAYMENT ON DELIVERY ONLY.

Online Payment

Arlington Gardens is a Registered Payee3 (or Beneficiarythe term varies) for electronic bill payment with the following banks:

Logo Desjardins
Logo BMO
Logo RBC

If you have already registered but have yet to complete your online payment (i.e. your order is marked “on hold” or “processing”), click on the appropriate logo above to complete your payment now.

Interac e-Transfer

Most Canadian financial institutions now offer Interac e-Transfers as a small business online banking payment option (click here for an up-to-date list of all financial institutions offering Interac e-Transfers). If you are familiar with this service and wish to use it to pay us, please do so. Your order will be marked “on hold” or “processing” until we receive your payment.

Payment by cheque

If you decide to forego the electronic options above, you can still send your cheque(s) to Arlington Gardens at the following address:

39 Chemin North
Stanbridge East, Québec
J0J 2H0

1 Whether you pay electronically or by cheque, please note your Customer ID when you place your order (it appears on the confirmation of your order)this ensures we can trace your payment back to you; we cannot process payments without it. Your Customer ID is the alphanumeric identifier based on the first three letters of your last name, the first letter of your first name and the four last digits of your primary phone number, all as requested from you when you register with us for the first time.

2 Please make your first payment, in full or in part, upon registration, followed, if applicable, by a second payment by no later than May 1st and a final payment by no later than June 1st. If you choose to pay by cheque, please include your Customer ID on your cheque(s). If you pay in installments by cheque, please include all your post-dated cheques in the same mailing. Conveniently, your Online Banking installments may be pre-programmed for the due dates up front (see below)); the same can be done with Interac e-Transfers. 

3 As a ‘Registered Payee’ with the aforementioned three (3) banks, we are listed as ‘Les Jardins d’Arlington’ in French, and ‘Arlington Gardens’ in English. If your bank is on our list, clicking on its logo will take you to their online banking website where you can log in, select us from their list of Payees and pay your registration fee in full or in three (3) equal installments on or before the scheduled due dates. To process payment for your CSA basket, all 3 banks will require you to input your Customer ID.  

CSA BASKETS – Important Notes

As a participant in Arlington Gardens’ organic CSA basket program, you are signing up for the duration of your seasonal membership. Collecting your share is your contractual engagement.  If you forget your share or cannot make it to the drop-off location, please try to make arrangements with a friend, family member or colleague to pick it up on your behalf.

You agree to pre-pay your membership, whether in full or in installments

You understand that disease, pests and inclement weather are risks inherent to agriculture which can affect harvests – via your seasonal membership, you are accepting to share this risk

For scheduled holidays, you may arrange to either (i) have someone else take your share while you are gone or (ii) double up your shares before you leave or after you return to make up missed baskets.  Missed baskets must be recouped within the time frame of the program for which you registered, i.e. regular, extended or farmstand. Please let us know by e-mail which option you intend to exercise BEFORE you leave.  We do not refund vacation shares.

You understand that the Réseau des fermiers de famille will not be held responsible for any portion of the contract between us

If you authorize us to share your contact info with the Réseau des fermiers de famille (RFF) and/or Équiterre when you register, such information will be used only in the context of related activities and other general projects. Neither the RFF nor Équiterre are authorised to share your information with third parties without your consent.

PREPAID CARD – Important Notes


Our Market Loyalty card provides 2 levels of participation – ‘GRAND MARCHÉ’ and ‘PETIT MARCHÉ’ equivalent to our ‘LARGE’ and ‘SMALL’ CSA baskets

The card entitles its holder to an 8% bonus (calculated after deduction of the $28 ($23.35+tx) contribution to the Family Farmers Network or Réseau des fermiers de famille (RFF), the Quebec grouping of local, organic farms to which we belong), the same bonus which is generally applicable to the contents of the pre-packed CSA basket

The aforementioned bonus applies ONLY to our produce (fruits and vegetables)

Our value-added products (eggs, jams, granola, flowers, etc.) are NOT sold at a discount

You may still use the card to pay for such value-added products, but if you do, their price will be adjusted upwards by 8% to offset the built-in discount programmed on your card

Alternatively, value-added products may always be paid for separately (with a debit card or cash)

Seasonal reloading of your card is permitted in tranches of $200

The card is non-refundable – any outstanding balance at the end of the season will be carried over and honoured in the following season

You understand that the Réseau des fermiers de famille will not be held responsible for any portion of the contract between us

If you authorize us to share your contact info with the Réseau des fermiers de famille (RFF) and/or Équiterre when you register, such information will be used only in the context of related activities and other general projects. Neither the RFF nor Équiterre are authorised to share your information with third parties without your consent.


You must reserve your Loyalty Card via this website, just as you would sign up for a CSA basket (see ‘TO REGISTER NOW’ above); payment is as per the payment methods applicable to our CSA baskets (see ‘PAYMENT’ above)

Your activated card will be ready for pick-up from June 30 onwards at the farmstand of the market for which you initially signed up (Atwater or Jean-Talon)

Once your card has been issued, you may use it at either one of our two markets, at the time and on the day (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) of your choice


Purchases – your card may be used until the amount initially loaded, plus any amounts added in the same – or one or more subsequent – season(s), has been used in full
Balance check – you may ask for a confirmation of your balance outstanding any time you visit one of our farmstands
End-of-season unused balances – any unused balances will be carried over to the following season


 MARKET LOYALTY CARD1 ‘Grand Marché’ ‘Petit Marché’ Per extra $200
YOU PAY $845 $636 $200
Less RFF Fees
Wkly Average
($ value loaded on card)
$882 $657 $216
Wkly Average $46.42 $34.58 n.a.
Seasonal Produce Bonus $65 $49 $16
  (8%) (8%) (8%)

* ‘Regular Season’ – 22 wks
† ‘Farmstand Season’ – 19 wks + 3wk  ‘Plus’ option
ǂ ‘Market Loyalty’ Card

Neighbourhood Baskets

* Town of Mount-Royal

Wednesdays – 4:00 to 7:00 pm, June 12-November 6
Next to Montgomery Dog Run,  Dunkirk & Montgomery

* Montreal West

Hôtel de ville, Mtl ouest - MoWest Town Hall

Wednesdays – 4:00 to 7:00 pm, June 12-November 6
Town Hall Parking Lot: 50 Westminster South Avenue

* Westmount

Parc de Westmount - Westmount Park

Thursdays – 4:00 to 7:00 pm, June 13-November 7
Next to Westmount Public Library, 4574 Sherbrooke Street West

Market Baskets & Loyalty Card

During the outdoor season we are at Atwater & Jean-Talon markets from Friday to Sunday.

Farmstand CSA baskets can be picked up 9 to 5 on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, from July 5-6-7 to November 8-9-10.
Please remember that when you sign up, the pick-up day you have chosen is when we will pack a basket for you. Please advise us in advance if you will not be able to pick up your basket on the allotted day. Provided you give us sufficient notice, we can generally accommodate a change of market day or an occasional change of location altogether.

We also offer a 3-week ‘Pre-Season’ option to pick up at one of our neigbourhood locations before our farmstand opens.

Market loyalty cardholders can shop with their card anytime Friday through Sunday.
We bring fresh produce to market each market day. Our farmstands are very busy throughout the season.
Keep in mind that our selection is more bountiful at the start of the day than at day’s end.

†,*,ǂ Atwater Market

Arlington Gardens at Atwater Market, Stalls #99-100
(between Première Moisson and Lachine Canal)

†,*,ǂ Jean-Talon Market

Arlington Gardens at Jean-Talon Market, Stalls #196-200 (on l’Allée verte)

At the Farm

* Arlington Gardens

À la ferme - At the Farm

Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays – from 3pm
June 12 to November 8
39 Chemin North, Stanbridge East


What does CSA mean?
What’s in a basket?
Do you offer winter shares?
Are your vegetables sorted and washed?
Does a weekly share include everything available that week?
Do you allow “trades”?
What about vacations?
May we visit the farm?
What farm events, if any, do you have planned for partners?


What does CSA mean?

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), often referred to simply as “organic food baskets,” is a concept which links consumers to local organic farms. With Community Supported Agriculture, you become a farm member for the season by pre-purchasing a share of the season’s harvest. Participating vegetable farms deliver baskets of fresh produce to a drop-off point in your neighbourhood or at your workplace each week. CSA projects have an important social dimension, since they allow you to get to know your family farmer by lending a hand on the farm or just dropping by for a visit.

CSA provides a real boost to small-scale farming in Quebec. By purchasing a share of the farm’s harvest at the beginning of the season, you allow us to plan our season with a measure of financial security; in return, you get to enjoy our delicious, fresh, nutritious produce throughout the season. CSA also ensures that we receive the full price paid for our produce, further encouraging sound, sustainable farming practices.

CSA encourages local organic food production which promotes, among other things, human health and environmental protection. By participating in CSA, you can eat organic food at an affordable price. (FAQs)

What’s in a basket?

We produce more than 60 kinds of vegetables of different varieties, as well as berries (blueberries and black currants), ground cherries and watermelons. The content of our baskets, or shares, varies from week to week.  We fill them with seasonal produce.  At the beginning of the season, this means a lot of leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, etc.). Later in the season, our baskets include summer classics like tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant.  We close out the season with fall root vegetables (see our market harvest calendar for details). Usually, vegetable quantities amount to the equivalent of 1 to 2 grocery bags per week. We provide weekly information on basket contents by e-mail and under Weekly Updates(FAQs)

Do you offer winter shares?

We do not currently offer winter shares. We offer baskets for 22 weeks, from early June to early November. (FAQs)

Are your vegetables sorted and washed?

Yes, as required. We prefer to keep our dirt in our fields and out of your kitchen. We strive to offer you top-quality produce. Each week, crops are selected for peak readiness, hand-harvested, and sorted for size and quality. We do not include damaged or un-fresh veggies. Salad and cooking greens, like lettuce and spinach, are usually rinsed and bagged. Root crops – carrots, beets, potatoes, etc – are rinsed and bunched.  It is generally not necessary to wash vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchinis or melons. (FAQs)

Does a weekly share include everything available that week?

Not necessarily. We try to keep shares practical and interesting. Some examples of when an available crop may be excluded are summer squash (when several varieties mature at once – we may choose different varieties for different drop-off customers), beets (this is a very prolific crop – but some people tire of them, so we try not to offer them for a month straight), cucumbers and lettuce (two other prolific crops – where we may mix varietals and colours depending on available quantities). All of these are succession-planted throughout the summer. Other items, like beans or melons, are served during a definite window when summer (and their flavours) is at its peak. See our market harvest calendar to get a better idea of general availability of our produce throughout the season. (FAQs)

Lavage de légumes - Washing vegetables_S

Do you allow “trades”?

We determine share contents every week based on the harvest. The whole concept is to let us “share” the fruit of our labour with you, and to have you discover a broader variety of vegetables than you may otherwise select on your own.  The range of vegetables which can be grown right here in Quebec is surprisingly large.  That being said, if you hate brussels sprouts, we won’t force them on you!  We will always bring extra vegetables to allow you to trade those brussels sprouts for something else.  (FAQs)

What about vacations?

For scheduled holidays, you may arrange to either (i) have someone else take your share while you are gone or (ii) double up your shares upon your return to catch up.  Please let us know which option you prefer BEFORE you leave.  We do not refund vacation shares.  (FAQs)

May we visit the farm?

Under normal circumstances, visitors are welcome, but we are very much an operating farm. Please let us know beforehand so we can ensure someone is available to greet you.  Driving instructions and suggested cycling circuits are available here. (FAQs)

What farm events, if any, do you have planned for partners?

Following on 2 years of COVID-related constraints on our operations, in 2022 we were able to host a farm event in the Fall. We did not host an event in 2023, but stay tuned for updates in 2024. Under normal circumstances, weather and workload permitting, we try to celebrate the harvest by organising a méchoui towards the end of the season for our farm members. We’ll let you know in due course and as the season unfolds what we are planning. (FAQs)
