Farm Life

Happy Holidays

With the mercury dipping below 20 degrees Celsius in these parts, we can speak in earnest of winter delights (albeit sans snow). Our cold room is empty, the farm implements are stored and the few chores remaining to be completed without getting frostbitten have been ticked off our list. And so we resume writing, after a brief hiatus, to keep you posted on what’s up. We are in the thick of preparing for the coming year, having spent the past two weeks compulsively flipping through seed catalogues to place our seed orders. While at first glance tedious – vegetable varieties seem infinite, the seed selection process is a portent of hope. We revisit the past season, our successful, and not-so-successful, plantings, and vow next season will be our best yet as we select a better variety of a given vegetable. Because, as well you must understand – it’s never the farmer’s fault… Our orders have finally been sent off.  We should receive our seeds in January; they’ll be kept cool and dry, like garlic, until we start up the greenhouse, towards the end of March.

In the meantime, Arlington Gardens wishes you a happy holiday season and a healthy 2012. See you next year!