Just to let you know: Environment Canada is forecasting snow on Saturday…As the thought of finishing off the season in muddy, slush-filled fields is not a pleasant one, we are hurrying to get everything done before then: planting garlic, harvesting the last vegetables, and generally battening down the hatches to protect everything from winter squalls to come. In sum, we’re like summer renters with just a few hours to return everything to its original state before the next occupants are scheduled to arrive. We have to admit, we’ve had relatively good weather of late compared to the same time last year, when lettuce washing was no longer an act of courage, it was downright sadistic. And so we offer up this week’s basket as our final salute to the root vegetables, which we know you’ve already seen lots of, but which also keep well in a bottom fridge drawer. We may even manage to include a few leafy greens, surprising hangers-on as the season draws to a close. Finally, for those of you wanting to make up one last missed basket, it’s now or never: vegetable deliveries really do end this week. And please don’t forget that the sun is setting ever earlier (circa 5:45 nowadays). We look forward to seeing you all one last time.