Vegetables and Berries

Slowing Down

We’d be remiss not to mention the departing flocks of wild geese flying overhead as we work in the fields. Their tight v-formations are amazing, a constant reminder of the impending end of the farming season…Not much has changed in the fields in the past two weeks, except for the cooler, wetter weather. This week saw night-time temperatures dip under zero. The cool weather has slowed end-of-season growth in the fields, and vegetables that should have taken 4 to 5 weeks to ripen are needing 6, even 7. It’s true for our late-season beets and carrots, our fall lettuce and a whole series of brassicas. That said, while the cold air may slow them down, it also enhances their flavour. In fact, some fall vegetables like Brussels sprouts, rutabagas and Jerusalem artichokes (topinambours) need a good frost to reach their peak…so from that perspective: bring it on.