Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Sunny Cold

Arrivée - Arrival, A. Sicam Visite de ferme - Farm Visit, A. Sicam Table à verres – Glass Table, A. Sicam

Festin - Feast, A. Sicam Pour tous les goûts 1 – For all tastes 1, A. Sicam On choisit - Take Your Pick

Many of you braved the sunny cold on Sunday to join us for our annual méchoui. The event was a great success (pictures, please), and we thank all of you who took the time to prepare savoury dishes to complement our roasts, and desserts to round out the feast. The night before had begun with driving rain which tapered off by dawn, but by 11 the weather had become a sure thing for the rest of the day, lasting into the evening – which is when we finally sat, exhausted but entranced, gazing at a beautiful night sky through one end of the telescope of a keen astronomer farm partner. Our thanks to those who attended; and to all, consider this our first invitation for next year…

Courges poivrées – Acorn Squash   Courges Delicata Squash   Citrouilles - Pumpkins

Back to farm business : last Friday and Saturday we seized the opportunity (and the favourable weather) to, among other things, harvest all our winter squash. It was intense, but we managed to collect our squash in a day, with the help of a team of hired labourers. We also did a leek blitz, a vegetable we’ll be pairing this week with potatoes from our neighbour, and organic producer, Réal Samson. It will be our first true fall basket, complete with the first radishes we’ve grown since early summer. We are pleased (and surprised)  to announce that there are still plenty of tomatoes in our tunnel and our fields, a welcome change from last year’s experience, when, as some of you may recall, the harvest had drawn to a precipitous close as our tomato plants suffered from the passage of hurricane Irene.  For the record, the date to beat is September 22nd…when our last tomatoes were harvested in 2011. Our fingers are crossed.