For the fourth year running, we are continuing our partnership with the bakers at Capitaine Levain, Ghislain and Céline. They offer 2 types of seasonal bread baskets (‘surprise’ (let the baker surprise you!) and ‘au choix’ (you decide what you want from beginning to end of the season)) which we deliver along with your vegetable baskets.
Sign up for Capitaine levain bread baskets through their ‘Arlington Gardens’ online forms — click here for their panier surprise and their panier au choix.
Their bread baskets are available to farm members at all of our drop-off locations except Atwater Market (where our market schedule makes it impossible for us to accommodate bread deliveries).
Their bakery is one which favours a return to traditional breadmaking. Their products are handmade, from the kneading of dough to the shaping of loaves, and are the product of fermentation and slow baking, yielding better, more flavourful bread with caramelized, crisp crust. Their rustic breads are made with mostly local, and 100% organic, ingredients and are, obviously, 100% sourdough (levain).