This week’s newsletter went out on Tuesday instead of Monday.
A slight, but non-trivial, delay that can be explained by both a heavy first weekend at the markets and a forecast of imminent (and abundant) rainfall.

First, we were reacquainted with the markets and our farm stands this weekend.
The weather was beautiful, and the crowds surprisingly relaxed, a mix of market regulars – who jokingly refer to our farm stands as their dépanneur – and passers-by, who casually take it all in: the sights, sounds and smells of the market. They mix and mingle in the market alleyways, some hellbent on their market mission armed with their shopping list, others just passing by, moving to the quiet rhythm of their very own bossa nova beat.

Second, a forecast of rain this afternoon has turned this week’s farm chore list upside down.
And so it is that we spent yesterday planting vegetable successions and weeding carrots and onions, activities otherwise impossible when it rains. By this morning we were back to business as usual, harvesting fast, and lots, before the downpour. Agriculture is all about adaptation and resilience, or so they say…

This week’s basket is still reminiscent of spring, even as it hints at the intensity of summer still to come.
Zucchini lovers on your marks, our early tomatoes will soon be ready, and our peppers and eggplants are coming along nicely, too. Slowly but surely: they all know the summer will be long…

We look forward to seeing you all again.