Vegetables and Berries

Earthly, Earthy Bounty

Les foins d'août_August Haying_S

It’s early August, and we are beginning to enjoy bounteous harvests of our favourite summer vegetables : eggplants, peppers and, of course, tomatoes. That said, we would be remiss not to mention that we harvested all the garlic in our fields last week. Although we lost more of it than we wanted to winter frost, this year’s garlic is beautiful and fragrant. We’ve laid it out to dry in our big barn in order to hasten its curing. As soon as it’s ready, we’ll add some to your baskets. Meanwhile, our melons are growing. Periodic field checks will help us gauge when the cantaloupe is ready to be harvested (it literally falls off the vine when ripe). Our watermelon is coming along nicely, too, and may even be ready by next week. You are already familiar with our other vegetables – click here for a reminder.

PS : there won’t be any corn this week – but our second batch will be ripe for the picking next week.