Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Shades of Grey

Last week ended in shades of grey. Nothing dramatic, just grey. In fact, I had been hoping for rainy weather to schedule plantings of lettuce, basil, spinach and more beets – rainfall to save us the bother of rushing to install our brand new electric irrigation system.

Everything fell into place perfectly: a full day of planting, followed by a few hours of light, but very effective, rain showers. We can now move to the next item on our never-ending list of farm chores, namely the harvesting of our blueberries, which will necessitate many person-hours daily over the next few weeks. The race is on for us to pick them before the birds and the fruit flies (drosophila suzukii ) do…Just kidding: our blueberries are protected by bird netting, and fruit fly season rarely begins before mid-August…

 I would be remiss if I did not provide an update re my specialty peppers – it is with much sadness and foreboding that I have witnessed their anemic performance. They clearly did not appreciate being transplanted, so much so that their short and brutish existence has just come to an unceremonious end on the compost heap, and with it all my pepper hopes…We’ll never know how they might have fared had I been more patient or had I left them in their original bed… Be that as it may, the end result is that there will be fewer specialty peppers in your baskets this year – and for that I apologize already.  

We look forward to seeing you all again shortly.