Il pleure dans mon coeur comme il pleut sur la ville…”It rains in my heart as it rains on the town…” (Verlaine)
The verse is a bit over the top, but if the rain doesn’t let up soon, we’re going to start worrying in earnest. After a cool April and a rainy May, our seedlings – most pressingly, trayloads of crucifers and liliaceae (i.e., onions and leeks), as well as Swiss chard, beets and fennel – are beginning to wonder if they’ll ever be transplanted…Indeed, the thousands of plants we’ve taken out of the greenhouse to “harden” are starting to feel a bit cramped in their seedling cells. What we need now is a good three to four days of sunshine to dry out the soggy soil before we roll out our tractors. Even so, the farm is coming back to life, our equipment has been tuned, and our workers are raring to go – another busy spring is in the making.