Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Turning Up the Heat


We’re usually on top of the weather, but this latest heat wave wasn’t really on anyone’s radar. So while we had already deployed some irrigation equipment for a few more heat-sensitive vegetable varieties, we’ve spent the past days rolling out the remaining pipes, heat oblige. Time was of the essence as we spent the weekend with one eye on the weather page of Environment Canada, the other searching for nary a rain cloud. And then, yesterday morning, the skies suddenly split open, spilling what seemed like buckets of water on our hitherto scantily watered fields, rendering all of our carefully calculated water metering moot…We nevertheless managed to harvest a few vegetables for the second basket of the season, starting with more peas, followed by chinese cabbage, basil and flavourful spring onions. There will also be zucchini and cucumber, but we’re debating whether or not to include beets: the greens are beautiful, but the beets themselves are a bit on the small side. In any event, we’ll be rounding out the basket with other leafy greens – a bit less than last week, but enough to keep your dietician happy.

Chaleur - Heat 2_S