Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Week One

The heatspell of the past two day has, as if by magic, erased all memories of the ridiculous weather we had been having up to now. We’ve turned the corner into full-on summer, and there will likely be no looking back until October, when we will have had our fill of languid summer temperatures. Meanwhile, in just two days, we have been consumed by waterworks: drip tubing to unwind, hoses to be laid, seedlings to rescue and greenhouse waterings twice daily versus the usual one. It is on a dry note, therefore, that we announce the true start of CSA basket deliveries for the 2017 season – a season that has kept us on our toes so far and that seems intent on testing our farming mettle. We’ll keep you posted on Mother Nature’s antics as the season progresses.

In this week’s basket, a battle between leafy and all other greens, the leafy ones clearly have the upper hand (see list). It’s always the case in early June, a situation made even more apparent by the absence of strawberries: the cool weather of the past few weeks having slowed their ripening so much that it will likely be another couple of weeks before they enter the fray. That said, the brassicas have enjoyed the cooler weather – and will be making a strong showing at your delivery locations. Pay particular attention to the bok choy and tatsoi – by mid-week we’ll have posted new recipes on the site – and don’t overlook the spinach, basil and kohlrabi. We’ll also be serving up new potatoes from organic potato farmers Samson & Fils, for a little extra oomph.