Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Winding Down

Our last basket delivery is already upon us…the season has flown by and the first frosts have arrived, a boon for fall vegetables that thrive in cooler weather (Brussels sprouts, for example). September was wet, cold and generally unkind to our last lettuces, though, so regretfully, we’ll have to wait until next year for another bumper crop. Our carrots, however, are thriving and superbly sweet, even though they are becoming more delicate as fall progresses, breaking more often as we pull them up. There is still some fieldwork to be done – such as garlic planting and laying straw on the strawberries – but most of it is done. The green manure crops are growing well and will be turned under in the spring. And so we turn our attention to the wooded areas, where clearing paths of dead wood and bush will keep us busy…oh joy, oh bliss!