Just as we were readying ourselves for the final stretch of the season — you know, the cool fall straightaway which leads to the wonderful world of squash and root vegetables — Mother Nature placed yet another bump in the road. Indeed, even as we write this with a chilly evening drizzle as a backdrop, an umpteenth click on our favourite weather site reveals a heat wave in the making (again), an Indian-summer-worthy happening scheduled to begin later this week. The end result is that we will postpone our fall launch — and stick to sliceable, fryable summer vegetable stalwarts — for yet another week.
Meanwhile, we continue in project mode at Arlington Gardens…and as we wait a few more weeks before beginning to dig a new pond, an unexpected combination of circumstances is resulting in our moving posthaste to build a platform straddling the small river that runs through our western fields. As those of you who have visited the farm may already know, until the 1940s, our fields were traversed daily by a cross-border freight train. Nothing of the former railway infrastructure remains except for the stone foundations of a large bridge which will, in the near future, be graced anew with a sizeable wooden platform. It’s a zany project, but one quite in keeping with our ongoing and sundry farm reconstitution, restoration, conservation and conversion efforts.