How does the season end at Arlington Gardens?
Invariably in a race to the finish line…As I write these lines, though, the sun is shining, the breeze is refreshing and the light is exquisite. Although it rained hard last night, marching orders are to harvest any and every thing edible – the last root vegetables, leafy greens of all types. There is definitely enough produce to fill your baskets, but we have yet to decide who will get what.
I am often asked what we do with all our leftover produce at the end of the season,
to which I respond that there isn’t usually that much left, except for our onions, which, ever since we introduced them to drip irrigation a few years ago, are (super) abundant, a real multiplication-of-the-breads scenario…
So close to the season’s end, it’s still too early to perform a satisfactory post-mortem,
but it’s never too late for a heartfelt thank-you for your continued presence at your respective drop-off locations, a weekly pretext to exchange with you on vegetables and other topics. CSA baskets may not be the best illustration of freedom of choice – a trendy topic these days it seems – but they remain a great means for connecting farmers with their farm members. Indeed, that is reason enough for us to continue to offer you our baskets, always striving to ensure we deliver an interesting diversity of high quality produce. That said, it is high time for us to call it a day and take a (well deserved, we think) break, all with a view of coming back refreshed and ready to take the farming plunge for yet another season. We will likely not be sending out a customer survey this winter, but we remain open to feedback, comments and questions from all of you in a bid to continue to improve our offering.
In closing, we wish you a great winter and
hope to see you return in droves next spring.