There is a palpable end-of-season vibe at the farm
which is manifest in our collective nostalgia for a summer that has truly ended, leaving way to an autumn that is now firmly ensconced. We smell it in the air we breathe in as we traipse through our empty fields and walk along the few remaining scattered vegetable beds, and as we work in the warehouse which no longer benefits from an accumulation of mid-day warmth.
There is also a definitive end-of-season look on the faces of our last farm employees
who are counting the time remaining until they can call it a day and head off to (much) warmer climes. We too await the end of this 2022 season – eager as always to perform our seasonal post-mortem and revisit our successes and our missteps – all with a view to beginning anew when the swallows return in the Spring.
And as many of you may surmise, we are also eager to break with the intense pace of farm work,
to breathe deeply and enjoy some of the things that elude us throughout the season – namely some socializing, nestling into an armchair with a good book and a bit of travel – in sum, activities we hold dear but that are wholly incompatible with life on a farm during peak season.
Back to baskets:
they will be heavy again,
filled with cabbage, winter squash, carrots or kohlrabi,
leeks, potatoes, leafy greens, shallots and more.
We hope you had a Happy Halloween and look forward to seeing you all again.