Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more –
or more familiarly, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.’ The expression comes to mind as I observe my three sons readying themselves for the deer-hunting season. Preparations include the felling of a few cedars to build their caches, the installation of cameras to better appreciate the comings and goings of the local deer population, the scattering of carrots and apples as bait – not to mention the small fortune spent on courses, permits, 308s, 22s and 12s.
As the urban dweller I once was,
I find all this activity perplexing; although I am no stranger to weapons given compulsory military service in a previous life, the call of the hunt leaves me indifferent. But country life is filled with its own requirements and rituals which my sons have fully embraced.
The father rooster that I am worries
about them in the woods, with dangerous weapons, at odd hours. But as one of my sons is prompt to quip, 99% of hunting accidents happen – and I quote – « to old fogies (sic! ) falling as they enter or exit the hunting cache »…While I feel compelled to apologise for the ageism of my twentysomething offspring, I nevertheless take it as a reminder that I am far better surveying my vegetable beds than roaming the woods these days. In other words, when in the country, do as (some/other) country folk do, too…
In your baskets this week you will find Jerusalem artichokes.
They could have done with a frost or two to sweeten their taste profile, but Mother Nature has decided otherwise. They are still delicious, whether roasted, pan-fried or in a soup.
We look forward to seeing you again at your respective drop-off locations.