Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

April Showers, May Flowers

This month of April will clearly have been the wettest one in a very long while. The water levels in our irrigation pond are the highest we’ve ever seen,  and our fields are sodden. Fortunately, we will be starting our earliest field plantings under the cover of our big greenhouse. I should no better than to complain – summer will undoutedly dry things up and out, building up reserves is necessary at this juncture.

Meanwhile, things are hopping in our seedling green house, as April is a month of seasonal metamorphosis. It’s where you’ll find me, sowing an nth batch of lettuce or some celery.  I am already transplanting, multiplying seed trays like a certain prophet once multiplied bread. The first transplants were the peppers, followed by parsley, then celeriac. In a week, I’ll be transplanting early tomatoes, then eggplants. What may seem boring and repetitive to some, is anything but : the act of transplanting – removing a single plant from an intertwined matrix to isolate it in its very own container – is very nearly paschal, as the plants recover from the root shock that very nearly kills them – saved by the gentle speed with which they are handled and a refreshing shower of water. Time and a bit more water ensure their recovery is complete.

To all of you who have not yet registered : why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Sign-ups are in full swing – reserve your basket before it is too late. The seasonal them will be variety, as we strive to introduce more choices into our weekly baskets. We are also pleased to offer an extended basket option for those wishing to receive veggies through November.

The sourdough breads of Capitaine Levain are back for a second year in a row (see their panier surprise and panier au choix, available at most of our drop-off locations) and remember that you will also find us at Atwater Market, Thursdays through Sundays, from mid-July to the end of October. Our farmstand will serve as a new drop-off location for those of you wishing to pick up your basket at the market. We have also opened a new drop-off location in Griffintown, at Le Kitchen – a great source of organic, vegan and other healthy food options, on William Street. Please let family and friends in Griffintown know. Last, but not least, for the social-media-savvy amongst you, please note that you can now follow us on instagram and facebook…In closing, we’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon.