This week’s post is strictly informational, to let you know how we plan to end basket deliveries as we head towards late October and the season’s end. As per the original 2016 schedule, we have two weeks of ‘official’ deliveries left – i.e. this week and the next. As you may recall, however, given a smaller-than-usual first basket at the start of the season (the week of June 13, re-christened « Week 0 »), we had offered to extend the season by an additional week to Wednesday and Thursday, November 2nd and 3rd. On second thought – after some hemming and hawing and a lot of coffee – we think it best, for you and for us, that we end the season on October 30th, as originally planned, offering up a larger-than-usual last basket to all. Following on this week’s next-to-last basket, then, and in keeping with the nominal value of both the small and large baskets, we plan to top up next week’s final basket. Conveniently, as ‘tis the root vegetable season, extra vegetables should be easy for you to store in your fridges…For those of you looking to make up vacation baskets, that leaves this week and the next to do so. We hope this will be to everyone’s satisfaction.
That said, we continue to harvest the season’s last vegetables. The fields are gradually emptying, except for the fall stragglers like Jerusalem artichokes, hankering for the next frost, and cauliflowers on the verge of giving up – neither they nor we are sure they’ll manage to ripen in time. I am always surprised by the resilience of some plants at this time of year, even after the first hard frosts (we’ve had a few in the past week). Our field cover crops are still thriving (the peas love the cold), and even the wild mustard in the alleys between the beds is still going strong.