There’s nothing better than a cool, grey Monday to slip into Fall.
We seized the opportunity to harvest half of our winter squash and to fill several bins with onions of all kinds. It was high time to bring in the onions, which had spent the past week curing in the fields, under a bit of rain, but mostly under lots of sun.
The story of our winter squash is different:
rarely have we harvested them this late in the season – and that’s without taking into account about half of them which are not yet ripe enough to be harvested…It’s been a funny season, in fact, with some vegetables arriving much earlier than usual (e.g. our corn) and others, much later (e.g. our winter squash). So far, our spaghetti squash, butternut squash and pumpkins have all been harvested and are curing gently in our warehouse. Meanwhile, the rest (acorn squash, delicata, buttercup, etc.) will continue to ripen in the squash patch for possibly another week.
You’ll find one of my favourite squashes in your baskets – the spaghetti squash.
I like to cook it in its simplest expression, roasted at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes. Sans sauce, just basted with a bit of olive oil and a touch of salt. Other than that, your basket is still filled with summer flavours – tomatoes and other solanaceas abound – along with leeks, onions and greens.
On that note, we look forward to seeing you all again
at your respective drop-off locations.