Farm Life Vegetables and Berries


They were calling for a hard frost,
and the forecast did not disappoint.
While Thursday’s frost was light, just barely below zero, the frost that hit in the night between Sunday and Monday was bona fide hoarfrost, the feathery frost that forms on clear, cold nights, leaving plants covered with weird and wonderful crystalline spikes. Our nightshades were hit pretty hard, it goes without saying; but so were the weeds, a definitive and strangely satisfying end-of-season decimation of the enemy. Would that I could be half as efficient in my weed battles at the height of the season…Sigh.

Be that as it may, this frost has separated
the wheat from the chaff, so to speak,

Mother Nature having decided that the time has come to put an end to summer and give our winter vegetable the nippiness they need to be at their best. As you all must know by now, there is nothing better than two or three frosts to sweeten our Fall vegetables and make them even tastier.

In sum, all is good and as it should be
as the end of the season draws nigh.

Speaking of which, it is time for those of you who have not yet done so to make up your last holiday baskets. There is not much time left, particularly for those amongst you who have two or three missed baskets still to make up. It is better to spread these out over alternating weeks if you can, as opposed to doubling up two or more consecutive weeks.

This week’s basket should satisfy those of you bent on cooking up
a Thanksgiving feast:
Brussels sprouts, fine herbs, garlic, leeks, onions, potatoeswinter squashtomatoes and some leafy greens.
We look forward to seeing you again.