To be taken with a grain of salt, always, but the latest forecast is calling for
a first frost in our area this week
– a mere -1ºC, not yet cold enough to slay the weeds in our fields, but nonetheless deadly enough to fell our current crop of nightshades (solanaceas). Decades of local statistics show an average first frost date of September 18 (indeed, were it not for global warming, one could venture that this year’s frost is slightly behind schedule)…Be that as it may, this vegetable farmer is relieved – better an end hastened by Mother Nature in the natural order of things than via an ignominous mowing down of crops whose generosity has been without bounds for a full season.
It is not only our nightshades which will be laid low – our cucurbits will also suffer a hasty demise.
All except our winter squash, as these have all been harvested and are curing in our warehouse. Their already barren plants will be hit hard, though, and will have to be quickly turned into vegetable compost by our old bushhog. You know the rest of the routine : harrowing, s-tining, green manure sowing for a winter cover crop and see you in the spring.
This week’s baskets are squarely fall-like, albeit with a lingering taste of summer still, as we dole out tomatoes for one more week.
The winter squash of the week will be butternut, a classic in soups or roasted in your oven. You will also see potatoes from our friends at Samson & fils again, along with our onions. The following vegetables will round out your basket : carrots, leafy greens, leeks, rutabagas, fine herbs and more.
We look forward to seeing you all again.