Farm Life Food Local Organic Vegetables and Berries

Heart of Summer

After much shilly-shallying that has lasted weeks, or the entire spring, even,
July is dragging us into the heart of summer.

It is doing so without a true heatwave or excessive humidity: it’s just warm – warm enough to beckon laziness and the delights of beach activities. But we must not allow the mind to stray, our focus remains the planting of vegetables – at this juncture, veggies that will be served up to you in the fall: a range of brassicas, the last of the zucchinis, lettuces of course, and many more.

We are just as focused on weeding, because July is a market farm’s make-or-break month.
A weed left to itself will come back to haunt you in August, the month of reckoning, the one that will determine whether you’ve succeeded in your season or not.

July is also the month of harvests to end all harvests,
with nightshades almost ready, melons and watermelons having started to form their fruits, and our garlic, earlier than ever, soon to be harvested and set out to cure. In short, July is the craziest month of the season…

In your baskets this week:
lettuce, cucumbers, summer squash, spring onions, garlic scapesSwiss chardbasil, and more.

We look forward to seeing you all.