Already October, so it’s into the final stretch. Weather conditions are definitely not as expected this time of year – Wednesday’s forecast is for 23 degrees Celsius under sunny skies – but the telltale signs of a waning growing season are nevertheless evident. For starters, harvesting at 6 in the morning (the usual start time at the peak of summer) is no longer possible, given the likelihood of our picking the wrong vegetables in the morning darkness. This week, we’re harvesting the last of our beets and carrots, as well as our root celery and several of our fall radishes. By mid-October, we’ll be harvesting our Jerusalem artichokes and our rutabagas (also known as swedes). We’re lucky, though, as there doesn’t seem to be any imminent threat of rain. And that’s very good news for this farmer – I had been putting off sowing our green manure cover crops in fields that have been progressively emptied of their vegetable crops. One pass with the disk harrow by Wednesday, another pass with the tractor to sow my oats, and that will be one fall chore off my to-do list. Fall melancholy has yet to set in, so I’ll save my walks in the woods for later – although not too much later, as hunting season will be starting soon.
In your baskets this week: we’re happy to be able to showcase our buttercup squash and some Savoy cabbage. The first is great for soups, the second for cabbage rolls. You’ll also find leeks, onions and radishes in addition to other fall fare. See you soon.