This week’s basket signals the end of the 2015 season, another series of organic episodes filled with weekly twists and turns. Noteworthy highlights this year include not only a memorable spring for all our brassicaceae as well as narrow escapes from corn-craven ravenous racoons and busy birds, but also tomato-trying torrential rains. Each passing year is another learning experience. This year’s lessons include the importance of greenhouses to offer better plant protection and an extended growing season.
That said, fall has fallen at the farm, stripping the trees of their leaves and strewing them evenly across gardens and fields. Next year’s garlic and Jerusalem artichokes are planted, the strawberries are covered in straw. The only fall chores remaining are the warehouse clean-up — including basket and tub hose-downs, to be completed once our last baskets are delivered.
As always, you have been faithful at drop-off, full of goodwill, with cheerful demeanours despite the travails of work and other pressures…so many weekly reminders of the relevance of the CSA (community-supported agriculture) model, ongoing rewards for our efforts. We hope to see you return next year, sharing in our vision of alternative food systems and agricultural practices.