Farm Life Vegetables and Berries


Mechoui 2014

First things first : if you are planning to come to the farm for our September 7 Mechoui but have yet to formally advise us of your intentions and the numbers of your party, please do so quickly. We need to confirm attendance in order to plan quantities of grilled meats and a judicious balance of potluck side dishes and desserts. Approximately 100 of you have already responded in the affirmative – but we can easily accommodate several more of you. The event starts early afternoon and includes a farm visit (i.e. tour of the fields and buildings). We’re ready for a good crowd (check out a few pictures from last year’s mechoui to get an idea of what our annual event is all about).
Back to the fields, where harvesting continues full tilt: this weekend our winter squash were relieved of their duties. A group of us harvested squash after squash, beginning with spaghetti (they’ll be the first to land in your baskets), delicata, buttercup, butternut and acorn. These five varieties will be served up over the coming weeks according to their “FQ” – or fragility quotient…spaghetti being the most delicate, delicata probably the least, its name notwithstanding. It and most of the others will keep for weeks or months, even, but your spaghetti squash must be eaten the week it is delivered. After a long, dry spell, we’ve finally seen rainfall again – short, but abundant, just as our vegetables were beginning to despair. Winter squash notwithstanding, you’ll find summer in your baskets still, with tomatoes, eggplants and peppers galore.