Vegetables and Berries

Summer in Full Swing

July was an intense month – justification of sorts for our radio silence. It can’t get any busier than July, when crops are still being planted even as harvesting is under way. Added to the demands of crop logistics are those of basket fulfillment, and editorial activities such as these. We are heading into our 7th week, nearing the midpoint of our 16-week season. The much anticipated high point of the last few weeks, without a doubt, has been our first garlic harvest. Planted last fall, our garlic is now spread out to dry in all its varietal splendor in the coach house and barn hayloft, both specially requisitioned and prepped for garlic-drying. As we harvested the garlic by hand, we wondered what we would uncover – big, bulging bulbs or smaller, delicate cloves? Now, as it lies drying, we are already thinking about October, when we will select the best of the remaining bulbs for replanting. Less momentous, but equally satisfying, has been the start of our tomato harvest. While you have already seen the many-coloured hues of our early tomatoes, the tomato season, which continues into September, has in fact only just begun.