Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Sundays at the Farm

Sunday is my favourite day of the week, rain or shine. It’s a slower day, made for catching up on everything back-burnered during our busy weeks and for spending quality time with our plants, giving them the attention they lack while we are focused on basket prep and delivery. Better still are rainy Sundays, when nary a soul can be found in the fields. The whole crew is at rest, in anticipation of the coming week of intensive fieldwork, while I roam the fields on the lookout for suspicious insects or wilted leaves. Today I focused my attention on our handsome eggplant plants – and the equally handsome potato beetle, already laying siege. Sunday is the day when, alone in the fields and in harmony with all living things, I strengthen my resolve to face the next challenge and draft mental notes to myself, never-ending farm to-do lists. Yup, the more I think about it, the more I really like Sundays.

We think you will like this week’s basket: strawberries are back, along with more kohlrabi, lettuce, garlic scapes and kale. Timidly making their seasonal debut will be our broccoli, spring onions and frisée, with some possible variations by drop-off location. In the fine herbs category, we’ll be serving up coriander. Don’t forget that we recycle the strawberry red pint boxes – meanwhile, we look forward to seeing you all again.