Farm Life Vegetables and Berries

Tipping Point

Already early August, the season’s tipping point at the farm. We have started to free up portions of field, those that have already yielded their spring and early summer bounty – the first leafy greens, the brassicas and other …. A few of them, stripped of their vegetables for a few weeks only, have already run wild, overgrown with weeds, much to this farmer’s chagrin, who has been just too plain busy to remedy the situation. The time has come to harrow it all, prepping for the green manure that will replenish the soil – most probably a mix of oats and field (aka broad or fava) beans. It is also a tipping point for the plants themselves, who seize the cool nights and shorter days of August are their cue to grow at a slower pace, curbing the frenzied pace of the first part of summer, like a horse shifting from a mad gallop to an ambling trot. The farmer cannot yet slow his pace, though, which continues unchanged as he continues to do battle with the weeds and to sow seeds and transplant seedlings for the fall harvests to come. The only respite, albeit a welcome one, comes in the form of magnificent sunsets, gifts from an anotherwise all too wet summer.

The tomato has finally deigned to grace us with its presence. Like Pizarro, we have yet to see El Dorado, but we now know it’s within reach. We’re also planning to drop a few peppers and/or eggplants into your baskets, making for another great summer trio…Meanwhile, the corn cycle continues : following on last week’s delicate Sugar Pearl ones, this week you will witness the arrival of our Honey Select cobs. Last but not least, we want it to be known that we have recruited the absolute best (in our humble opinion) blueberry pickers the region has to offer, all friends of our daughter Yamina. Not yet quite fourteen, they pick like seasoned pros. You will be sampling their berries this week. See you all soon.