It’s (kind of) like the (Stanley) Cup, to this farmer at least:
the season’s almost over – only two to three weeks left to harvest our last vegetables, clean the warehouse and bid 2022 farewell. At this point, what has not grown will not grow, beds with no ground cover will remain uncovered and we will focus what energy we have left on tasks that are nigh impossible to perform at the peak of the summer but that can be done in an almost leisurely fashion now.
I speak not of the dismantling of our tunnels this week, or the general tidying of netting scattered here and there in the fields.
Rather, I am thinking of the cement platform that has to be poured for our warehouse extension, a project we’ve been planning for a while. Not to mention another dismantling, that of our old Hayloft Adventures farm stay project – one we had worked on with much effort and passion back in the day, but that was back-burnered when we decided to enter the Atwater, then Jean-Talon, markets.
This week’s baskets will witness the return of the pumpkin, Halloween oblige.
To be decorated, then eaten.
Given the continued variability in our end-of-season greens, they will differ from one location to another – enumerating them at this juncture would be premature. I hope you won’t hold it against us. Onions, potatoes, winter radishes and/or Jerusalem artichokes will mostly complete the list, but so will other Fall vegetables.
We look forward to seeing you all again.