Last week I had to send one of my delivery trucks
to the garage again.
Something to do with a drive shaft on the verge of conking out. I couldn’t blame it on anything other than old age, since the truck dates back to a time when windows were still rolled up and down by hand…

I mention it only to illustrate yet another
interesting farm fact:
with a fleet of about 15 motorized vehicles, I can count on an average of at least half-a-dozen visits to the garage every season.
Unfortunately, mechanics has never been my strong suit. Fortunately, however, we live in an area filled with tinkerers and experts in injection motors, not to mention my very own personal trio of local garage owners who are always willing to help me deal with my mechanical challenge of the week. I will be forever indebted to them, for not once in all these years have they ever refused to service a vehicle of mine with surprising alacrity, and a smile to boot. It almost goes without saying that when one harvests nearly 40 acres of vegetables, all it takes is a single mechanical malfunction of a single machine to cause field work delays that can have serious agronomical and logistical repercussions.
The week has begun under grey skies with some rain, but nothing to warrant a harvesting pause, panier oblige.
Indeed, this week’s basket will be more fall-like than the previous ones, as tomato and eggplant yields beginning to dwindle. Its contents are in keeping with the cooler start to the week : potatoes, carrots, and leeks, along with butternut squash, French shallots, peppers and other yet-to-be harvested vegetables.

I also wish to remind you that we will be fulfilling your garlic orders this week.

We look forward to seeing you all again.