Summer is in full swing at the farm, amidst alternating sunshine and rainfalls, just enough of the latter to tide the plants over to the next one. Last Friday I woke determined to do something both pleasant and useful – which explains why I spent the day harvesting garlic. Those of you who have been following us for a few years now know how much I love my garlic. It is both nourishment and medicine, ensuring sustenance and health. I will not dwell on its historical and cultural significance, but it is an essential ingredient in almost every culinary tradition. All the better, I say, and I trust that you will find the garlic in your baskets in coming weeks satisfyingly subtle and pleasantly unctuous. We were hoping to improve on the delivery dates for another banner crop – corn – but in the end, we will not be harvesting our first ears until next week. That said, we know it’s almost ready: two more raccoons have fallen for the bait in our cornfield traps and been discretely spirited away to wooded areas some 20 kilometers from the farm. We wouldn’t wish them on anyone else, but we do want to make very sure they don’t come back!
So, in your baskets this week: a cornucopia of summer vegetables to complement your leafy greens, and a second week of blueberries. They’ve had some time to sweeten – we’re even more eager to share them with you than last week’s batch.