Farm Life Food Organic


Week 12 of 23, almost mid-season already,
so I must seize this opportunity to mention a couple of things that will soon be upon us.

First, our potluck dinner.
It will be on October 10, Thanksgiving Monday. The concept is simple : you will be asked to confirm your participation by email; to bring a dish of your liking & making (main dish, side dish or dessert – we’ll ask you to let us know which type of dish you’ll be bringing) sufficient to feed 6 to 8 people; and to come ready to spend a few hours with us which will include a tour of our fields and installations and the opportunity to exchange with a nice bunch of interesting people. If the weather is nice, we’ll be outside; if it’s raining, we’ll welcome you in our big red barn.

Next on the list are two traditional
late-August happenings:
Italian (paste) tomato orders for canning and sauces, and garlic orders for your winter reserves. Our plum tomatoes are beginning to ripen and our garlic is drying slowly in the barn. The tomatoes will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis as they ripen, for as long as quantities last; your garlic orders will be delivered subsequently, towards the end of September.
A potluck-and-tomato&garlic-order e-mail will follow shortly with all the details.

This week’s basket provides a first hint of fall – leeks!
Not yet the fatter end-of-season ones, but another lighter, equally delicious, variety. We’ve also just done our first large harvest of tomatillos for all the salsa verde fans out there, for which you will find infinite variations on the internet (including, for starters, on our website). Your basket will also include carrotseggplantpepperssummer squashtomatoes and more.

We look forward to seeing you all again at your respective drop-off locations.

Zucchini addendum:
Why so many zucchini week in week out, you may ask? The answer is purely agrological : zucchini must be harvested daily. Otherwise, they drain all the energy that should be going towards new flowers and baby zucchini and wreak havoc in the equilibrium that needs to be maintained for the plant’s continued growth. As a result, we can either offer you the bounty of the harvest, or throw them into the compost heap. We prefer the first option which we believe is to your advantage (grocery-store-bought-zucchini are pretty awful in comparison, frankly).  For your information, even the community kitchens we work with weekly can’t handle all our extra zucchini…