It may seem surprising to read this on a hot and humid summer day, but as I traipsed through my vegetable beds this morning, the fields already had a bit of an end-of-season feel to them.
More flight of fancy than fact, there was nevertheless an undeniable sense of relief, despite the heat, as some of the seasonal stress lifted off my shoulders with the realisation that we are indeed shifting gears…
The last of our lettuces have been transplanted over the past few days, and we have weeded half a dozen rows of root vegetables.
We will now be turning our focus to cleaning the fields, putting away some of our field machinery and related equipment – while leaving plenty of time for the harvests which are ongoing for our baskets and our farm stands. In about a month’s time, though, harvesting is all that will occupy us, as we will be mostly done with other end-of-season field chores.
Truth be told, I exaggerate somewhat : next year’s garlic remains to be sown at the end of September, and next year’s Jerusalem artichokes will only be sown by the close of October –
this year’s harvest of artichokes cannot start before the end of September. But it is indeed with a lighter heart that I start the month, all the while knowing full well that the season is far from over and that much can surprise us still.
This week’s basket is still summery, albeit with a hint of Fall :
tomatoes, eggplant or peppers, ground cherries, winter squash, leafy greens, leeks, fine herbs, onions and more.
I remind you that we are still taking orders for paste tomatoes and conservation garlic. (Previous online ordering snafus have all been fixed, please do not forget to connect to your MyOrganicFarm account with us through our website before going to our online farm store to place your order). For your tomato orders, time is of the essence, the harvest window will be open for the next couple of weeks only. For the garlic, there is no rush, the harvest has been abundant, there should be enough for everyone this year.
We look forward to seeing you all again.