Come Get Your Veggies !

We have so much to tell you! Let us begin by reminding you that deliveries of your first baskets for the 2016 season will start on Wednesday, June 15 for Montreal West, Town of Mount Royal, Yellow Pages Group and the Caisse de dépôt et placement/Ivanhoe and on Thursday, June 16 for our Westmount friends…

Sunny Skies

The change has been brutal: from a cold and blustery start to spring, we’ve suddenly shifted to talavera blue skies and sun-baked days worthy of an all-inclusive trip to Punta Cana. We’re not complaining – sunshine is what we need, but it feels like we’ve had to turn on a dime, racing against the clock…

Bursting at the Seams

We are still recovering from two weeks of unseasonably beautiful but cold late-April weather, accustomed as we had become to warmer, wetter springs. In truth, we should have known things would be different this ‘El Niño’ year. With stubbornly sub-zero temperatures for nearly a fortnight, it was impossible to take our seedling trays outside to…

Ploughing and Pasture

‘Ploughing and pasture are the twin paps of French prosperity.’ So said Sully, friend and minister of French king Henry IV. This week, we put his words into action. In fact, given increased production this year, we are in the process of re-claiming fields previously dedicated to growing hay. Ploughing under a hayfield is something…

A Cocoon

March 24, 2016: a deep breath and a sigh of relief.  The greenhouse has been cleaned, the bags of potting soil are piled high. The devil’s in the details (as always), but we’re ready to roll. Relatively speaking, I don’t spend that much time in the greenhouse over the course of a season — a couple…

The 2016 Season Has Begun !

What a schizophrenic winter we have just had! On four distinct occasions the surrounding fields turned green in … February! Even the most phlegmatic of farmers can be forgiven for losing their bearings as we head towards Spring — no longer a matter of months, but rather two to three weeks at most according to…


2015 ended just as busily as it started. The last two months of the year are usually quieter, but not this year, as we scrambled to complete the installation of our new greenhouse and to build an observation deck on the foundations of an old bridge that used to straddle the river that runs through…