Happy New Year!

As we prepare for the upcoming season, Arlington Gardens offers you its New Year Greetings. We wish you health and happiness in 2014. Enjoy the winter season – we look forward to seeing you again in early summer.

It’s Over…

Yet another season at the farm has come to an end. We enjoyed sharing nature’s bounties with you in 2013. We look forward to a respite, punctuated by the usual winter activities, and we promise to let you know as soon as we see the first signs of spring. Meanwhile, we wish you all a…

Learning to Expect the Unexpected

  It’s always when you least expect it that it happens: the brief heat spell we’ve been enjoying is exactly what the vegetable doctor ordered for our rutabagas, our turnips and our lettuce. The weather has indeed been spectacular – the only thing missing is a light rain, just enough to irrigate everything nicely. But…

Sunny Cold

Many of you braved the sunny cold on Sunday to join us for our annual méchoui. The event was a great success (pictures, please), and we thank all of you who took the time to prepare savoury dishes to complement our roasts, and desserts to round out the feast. The night before had begun with…


  Week 9 is looking a lot like Week 8.  August is undeniably ‘Nightshade Month’ – with its abundance of eggplants, peppers and tomatoes, all leading representatives of the Solanaceae family of plants.  These are complemented by fresh onions and our third corn harvest of the season – the traditional yellow variety, this time. This…

A Sisyphean Task

The troops were restless in the heat last week, but Environment Canada’s forecast for cooler temperatures is helping us keep everyone in line. Pickers of zucchini and blueberries, both time-consuming vegetables to harvest, are relieved. Our blueberry harvest is in full swing – we hope to have some blue fruit until early August. Tomato harvesting…

Farm Visit

A rainy start to the week (it rained through the night of Sunday to Monday) saved us from the choreographed dance of field irrigation. That’s one less thing to worry about on our long to-do list this week.  We suckered and staked tomatoes again this weekend, under our caterpillar tunnel and in the field. Despite…

Spring Lambing

It’s lambing time at the farm. After a rough start (including a couple of unfortunate miscarriages), things are back to normal in the barn and our ewes are taking turns giving birth. We’ve had ten new lambs in the past few days and are expecting at least half a dozen more by early next week.…

And we’re off !

We are happy to announce the launch of the 2013 season at Arlington Gardens.  While it was nice to take a break in November, we’re fully rested and raring to go again. We began to gear up in January, placing our seed orders and finalizing our field plan for the year; now February is upon…