
Mid-May already, and following a brief hot spell, they’re calling for sub-zero nights again. We had wanted to harden our beans and fennel outside, but we’ve had to bring them back into the warmth of the greenhouse at night. There’s no point rushing things, as May can be brutal for those who fail to bide…

April Chill

April is already almost over, but spring has still not sprung! At this time last year we were breaking soil with our tractor; this season we scarcely dare walk in the fields given how wet they are…No matter, the greenhouse is keeping us plenty busy as our seedlings grow. We started with leeks and onions,…

Spring Lambing

It’s lambing time at the farm. After a rough start (including a couple of unfortunate miscarriages), things are back to normal in the barn and our ewes are taking turns giving birth. We’ve had ten new lambs in the past few days and are expecting at least half a dozen more by early next week.…

And we’re off !

We are happy to announce the launch of the 2013 season at Arlington Gardens.  While it was nice to take a break in November, we’re fully rested and raring to go again. We began to gear up in January, placing our seed orders and finalizing our field plan for the year; now February is upon…

Happy New Year!

To our friends and customers, we offer a heartfelt thank you for the year just ended and best wishes for a 2013 filled with good things and clement weather. Claire and Nasser at Arlington Gardens

Vegetable Art

Seamus, the towheaded young son of one of our partners, loves carrots and cucumbers – so much so that they inspired him to paint a picture – three brightly coloured pictures, in fact: one of our fields, a second of a carrot and a third of a companionable cucumber. Thank you, Seamus, but don’t forget…

Slowing Down

We’d be remiss not to mention the departing flocks of wild geese flying overhead as we work in the fields. Their tight v-formations are amazing, a constant reminder of the impending end of the farming season…Not much has changed in the fields in the past two weeks, except for the cooler, wetter weather. This week…

Ode to a Crucifer

This week we write our ode to the turnip, a sadly under-appreciated vegetable. The ones we’re harvesting now are delicious  – with a turnip-y sharpness that balances out the plump sweetness they’ve developed thanks to the cooler (and wetter) weather we’ve been having. Like our other spring crucifers, our previous crop of turnips suffered the…

Last Rays

The weather has been playing tricks on us. After two (almost consecutive) frosts last week, we saw balmy temperatures again early this week – just enough for our veggies to recover from the brief cold spell. At this time of year, every sunny day counts, particularly if there are two or three in a row.…